You must be really upset if flasdisk yes you broken anything else in the flash you are some records or documents or files is very important for you and you could not take your pendrive is damaged but well here I would like to share your experiences about repairing a damaged flash , you want to know how where do I see the following.
1. lightweight:
First go to Run, type cmd, and then type chkdsk Drive Letter: / f
a. DOS chkdsk command is a command error checking on the disk
b. Letter Drive: Drive is the location of flash, this command places the contents of the flash drive.
c: / F was Fixes errors on the disk, the command to remove errors on the disk.
Wait until the process is running 100%, If a command Convert folder to file? [Type] Y. then delete the file / folder was corrupted with the command DEL V: *. *.
2. Rather heavy:
a. Download the application Hewlet Packard USB Disk Storage Format Tool
b. Install the application, and enter the flash are problematic to any USB port. Make sure your flash is detected
c. Run the application HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
d. Determine where the flash drive is plugged in,
e. Select Create New or Replace Existing Configuration to create a new partition and erase the existing configuration on the flash,
f. Format your flash file system in accordance with the desired.
3. Weight:
If the stick were damaged by bad sectors, the next step could be the last alternative use Partition Magic utility. This tutorial uses Partition Magic 7.0.
With this software, we try to cut his Bad Sector by:
a. Install Partitioan Magic 7.0
b. Setelah proses instalasi selesai, jalankan programnya. Tekan menu Resize Partitions. Lalu arahkan ke drive tempat Flashdisk kita berada. Menu ini akan merubah ukuran partisi flashdisk kita. Lalu tentukan ukurannya dengan tidak menyertakan lokasi Bad sector.
To note that PartitionMagic able to check for bad sectors via the menu Operations -> Check for Errors as a feature in Windows. ScanDisk
This utility needs to be done before running Partition Magic to ascertain the location of bad sectors.
Well hopefully this way you can flash back to normal.

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