How to install cm13 rom on honor 4x (cherry) requirements - cm 13 latest rom bootloader unlock code twrp recovery gapps android 6.0 steps - frst get a boo…. Download cm13 for honor 4x/4, follow this step-by-step guide to install honor 4x cm13 android 6.0.1 cyanogenmod marshmallow custom rom [for all variants]. Hi, could you kindly get a version for honor 4x-che2-ul00, i tried but does not support and now am stuck at rescue mode and twrp with no custom rom to install.
Anyone wanting to try the miui rom on the huawei honor 4x can install this miui v6 ported custom rom. it’s ported and an unofficial build, but is still regarded as. Look at most relevant honor 4x custom rom websites out of 238 thousand at metricskey. honor 4x custom rom found at techchomps.com, rootmygalaxy.net, stechguide.com. Android custom roms for honor 4x on rom index. find all latest custom roms now..

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