Huawei honor 3c (4g) ported rom. full rom pack; incremental rom pack; older versions; ported rom > full rom pack. author: slyder_mi version: 6.5.28 (miui7) size: 620.94m. Today we are sharing the all new custom rom for huawei honor 3c which is based on the latest official kitkat update from huawei. the rom is purely a aosp rom and. Honor 3c help, reviews, wallpaper, root tools, roms and more.
Usb cable bawaan waktu beli honor 3c. download driver (vcom) wifi, seting waktu dsb. selamat menikmati honor 3c h30-u10..kerennnnn dengan rom baru emui 3.. Due to immense response and record breaking downloads of our two custom roms which we released earlier for huawei honor 3c, we are now coming back with another great. Miui rom for huawei honor 3c download cwm recovery, miui rom and gapps and put in sdcard. 3. download mobileuncle mtk tools from playstore. 4..

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