I have gta 4 for ps3 and i want the lamborghini cheat code thanks!!!!!. Grand theft-auto 4 lamborghini cheat code chloricalmond76. grand theft auto 4 cheat codes must watch - duration: 1:30. cendejas86240 234,061 views.. Get the latest cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, faqs, and walkthroughs for grand theft auto.
Cheats, codes, tips and guides for ps4, xbox one, wii u, ps3, xbox 360, facebook, iphone, and all games cheat codes gta 4 ps3 lambo. cheat codes gta 4 ps3 lambo. If you know how to go in multiplayer mode go to free roam and it's very common.. This video shows all the cheats available for grand theft auto iv (xbox 360, playstation 3 and pc) follow the gta iv show for more videos: http://www.

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