I was having a ton of crashes playing from a laptop over the weekend. on another laptop (thats a ton more "powerful") i wasnt having problems, and on my "gaming pc" i was perfectly fine, so i assumed that the laptop itself just was struggling.. Epic games said it is looking into a pair of issues with its hit game fortnite, as it launches its halloween-themed season 6 on thursday. we are continuing to investigate crashes occurring on. Epic also says that it has “identified the issue and is working on a fix,” before directing players to look at the game’s status tracker at status.epicgames.com. that status tracker echoes.
Man, i m playing this game for last 3-4 weeks, and, when fallout 4 went out, i got latest nvidia geforce video driver. it can crash in bnl 3-4 times in a row, usually in lobby, queue or building phase, never in actual match..

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