
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Get Your App Listed in the iTunes Marketplace

Developing an app for the iPhone and iPad is a great way to make an additional income — maybe even make your fortune. Even a slightly successful app can make you a small passive income. If you’re lucky enough to create an app that’s popular, you could make a significant fortune.
Before you can find out which way your fortune will turn, you have to get your app listed in the iTunes marketplace. Here’s what you need to know about how to get your app ready for sale:
Get a Developer’s License
In order to sell an app on the iTunes marketplace, you have to pay for the privilege. You have to purchase a developer’s license, which costs $99 per year. Consider it a small price to pay for what could be your entryway to millions.
Read the Guidelines Carefully
Apple has an extensive guide outlining the rules for the apps it accepts in its marketplace. Take the time to really read through these rules — yes, all the rules. So many apps are submitted for consideration each day that your app will be rejected on even the slightest technicality or for any deviation from the rules. Make sure your app meets all the content guidelines, is formatted properly, and adheres to any and all other rules regulating the marketplace. Pay special attention to guidelines regarding content, as this is the reason that many apps get rejected (notably for offensive or violent material).
Thoroughly Test Your App
A lot of programs have bugs. Yours shouldn’t. Any problems with game play or other functionality in your app will cause it to be rejected. Take the time to thoroughly test your app to make sure that it works properly and that all the programming issues have been resolved. Many of these issues might not be immediately apparent just from starting the app up and choosing a few of its options. It is important to have multiple users test the app to really work through all of its functionality to find any problems.
Have Patience
While some apps may be reviewed and approved within a few days, others can take months to get the final clearance for admittance to the iTunes marketplace. If your app seems to be taking an unusually long time to get approved, send a quick e-mail checking in to see if any additional information is needed to support your application. If nothing is holding up your app, just sit tight and wait until you hear. If there are any problems with your application, you can resolve them at that time.
While developing apps is a great way to make additional income (if you’re good at it), you first have to ensure that your app gets accepted to the iTunes marketplace. Although you can (and should) also sell your apps through Android and Google, if you can’t get them accepted onto iTunes, you are going to be missing out on a very big market.
How to Get Your App Listed in the iTunes Marketplace
Have you submitted an app for sale on the iTunes marketplace? Share your experience with the submission process and any tips for success in getting it accepted!
Carmen Brettel is a writer and manager for In her spare time, Carmen enjoys gardening and volunteering at animal shelters.

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